Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Student's Dream, A Teacher's Nightmare

It is Field Day to celebrate Homecoming. A few days before the events in this picture, an upperclassman student came in to ask if I would volunteer at the Pie Throwing booth. With some pressure from my students, cheering "Do it. Do it." I told the student that I would. Well, as you can see, volunteering for the booth meant allowing students to throw whip cream pies at us (I did know this was the point when I volunteered). Bonnie, the freshmen science teacher, is the most covered on the left. In the middle is Ashley, my department head and friend, and then there's me on the right. Thankfully, my face did not get creamed, but you can see that some of my students did successfully hit me. The pieing didn't last for long because students started pieing each other and the vice principal (who is unpictured next to me) shut the booth down. The Field Day was three hours of booths and free time out on the football field with all students. After the booth was shut down, a pick up game of soccer between some teachers (including me) and some students commenced. We lost horribly, I accidentally kicked one of my best students, but in the end we had a lot of fun. It was the most beautiful day!

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