Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"You be my favorite."

One of the greatest parts about being a second year teacher is the fact that so many of my students from last year are so happy to talk to me now. I smile a little to myself when I think about how often I had to knock on their desk or tap them on their shoulder to get them to lift up their head in class (or actually wake up and wipe the drool off their face) last year. But this year, I have to literally block the door to keep several of them from sneaking in alongside my current freshmen. Not only do they attempt to sneak in, but many students drop by just to say hi or to chat. Today during the passing time between lunch and 7th period, one of my female students from last year walked in my room looking for me. She just came in to say hello and then left to go to class. I usually stand outside my door between classes to hurry kids along to class and to say hello, but today I was busy and didn't stand by my door. I guess she wanted to say hello anyway.

My all-time favorite story from today... another of my female students was after school for volleyball and stopped by to chat. She asked if I had talked to the Sophomore english teacher recently. After I said no, I asked her why. She said because she was talking to her teacher about me during class. I wasn't totally sure what to expect, but then when I asked why, she said, "You be my favorite Ms. Reimer." I said, "Why is that?" And she said, "Because you never gave up on us. Even though I be kinda slow sometimes, you never quit explaining how to do it. Not all teachers are like you."

It was one of the good days today!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Second Year, New Beginnings

August 15 5 am: Alarm sounds, I jump out of bed and into the shower. Year 2, Day 1.

It was hard to believe walking into my school building that I had been away for 2 months, it felt like two weeks. I am teaching the same courses in the same classroom with the same freshmen team. Thankfully, having a similar setup to my first year made me feel confident and comfortable going into my second year.

7am: 10 minutes before the school day begins and I head downstairs to greet students.

The best part about being a second year teacher is seeing my former fearful freshmen as self-assured and confident sophomores. As I stand in the hall, nearly all my previous students happily tell me good morning and some wave, hug, or offer high-fives. I had not anticipated such a joyful greeting from my old freshmen. Teaching just feels like another job until you are around students and then I am reminded that I love what I do... it is more than a job.  

7:30am: All 75 of the new freshmen are sitting in front of me and the rest of the freshmen teachers.

The second best part of the new year is new faces. This year I am teaching all the freshmen and only freshmen, so staring out at the new set of faces in the cafeteria I am anxious to get to know them and start teaching them. The casually observer would see that the new freshmen look young and nervous. As I stare out at them, I see fresh faces that are excitedly full of potential. They are on the brink of a new and thrilling experience and I have the privilege of working with them at the beginning of their high school career.

5:15: The School Day and Cross Country practice are over... I finally get to go home.

9:00: I'm in bed, praying for reviving rest so that I can wake up and do it all again!